Rent Finder, one of its kind, is a specially developed online platform to meet the needs of the property owners as well as tenants. The platform is uniquely developed with the concept of providing an online meeting place for the tenants and property owners.
What's here For Tenants?
For those who are looking for rented properties across Delhi/ NCR and want to avoid broker, then Rent Finder is one stop destination for all your requirements. Here, we are manifesting properties which are available for rent. Whether you are in search of homes having specifications - 3BHK, 2BHK, 1BHK, or villa or Haveli or just looking for commercial places for offices or set up for the factory, then search our uniquely designed online marketplace. All the properties listed here are properly verified.
What's here for the Property Owners?
If you are looking for online advertisement of your property, then Rent Finder is one stop destination for all your requirements. Advertise with us to make your reach to the targeted audience.
Benefits of Advertising With Us
Our Philosophy
Renting a property to the authentic person is definitely a herculean task. In most of the cases, you don't really meet the exact tenant. In most situations, the first person you meet is the broker. He/she promises you to provide you the best revenue against the reward. But you really don't get the correct tenants as brokers can give you a tenant but not a trusted one.
To bridge this problem, we have developed Rent Finder - one of its kinds, a unique platform where you can directly meet the tenant without having any involvement of the broker. All you have to do is to advertise your property at our portal. By doing so, you will get the inquiries directly from the authentic people who are looking for properties on rent.
How advertisement on Rent Finder will help you?
Nowadays, the internet has reached to all and sundry. People across different regions come in Delhi/ NCR for jobs or business. The best medium for this is the usage of internet. Using this medium, all they do is searching for the property on rent. Then, with our online portal, they will come across your property.
Advertisement on Rent Finder --> People Search For Online Directory through Google ---> Find Rent Finder Your Property --------> Direct Enquiry To You -----> Get Correct Tenant